This is a study on the top performing elementary schools in Texas in Mathematics. The table identifies the top schools in mathematics among six similar districts with more than 25,000 students. The schools are found in the comprehensive list available at Just For The Kids (JFTK) website (www.just4kids.org). The dismal showing of Plano ISD should serve as a wake-up call to those who still believe that all is well in this "reputable" school district. Since the analysis considers two three-year trends, this lackluster performance cannot be attributed to a poor one-year showing or "a few kids." You may be the parent of the middle schooler who still does not know the multiplication table, the high schooler who does not know the correct change, or the college bound kid taking remedial classes. They are not anomalies. Sadly, they are soon becoming the norm as Plano continues to stay on the "cutting-edge" of education reform movement creeping across this nation. While children in top Asian schools are enjoying a full course meal, the educational elite only wants to serve desserts to our children. Under the guise of improving dismal performance, ironically brought on by earlier failed reform efforts, this movement seeks to do more of the same at the expense of under-challenging another generation of kids. The success of the Texas State Board of Education in requiring more phonics to be included in new reading textbooks shows that all is not lost. The elected representatives have resoundingly demanded the amount of phonics be raised from 51% to 80% before new textbooks can be considered for adoption. We should lobby our representatives to raise the bar for non-conforming textbooks. Right now, textbooks just need to meet 50% of the state required standards to qualify for state funding. It makes sense to raise the percentage to 80%. This check-and-balance system will help ensure that our kids do not get a raw deal in education. At our local level, we need elected representatives who are willing to do their own investigative research to ensure that all is really well in Plano schools. If they truly seek the betterment of children’s education above their own political aspirations, then they would resist the data of "self-adulation" commonly served by administrators. They should challenge our district towards substantive excellence because our children’s future depends on it. Top Texas Schools in Elementary Mathematics Ranked by Just for the Kids Foundation (www.just4kids.org) Based on proficiency on TAAS