| These charts are based on the proficiency scores on TAAS rather than the passing rate which is the usual way of rating schools. They are obtained through the assistance of Just for the Kids Foundation. Comparative Study of Elementary Schools in 10 Districts
Total Schools: 27 % schools top in Math only: 11.1% Reading Only: 44.4% Green lettered schools - excel in both reading and math 7.4%Red lettered schools - indicate substantial improvements needed in subject area (Math 18.5%, Read 7.4%)Blue lettered schools - indicate moderate improvements needed in subject area (Math 22.2%, Read 33.3%)Yellow highlighted schools - indicate improvements needed in both reading and math (18.5%)
Total Schools: 16 % schools top in Math: 25% Reading: 40.5% Green lettered schools - excel in both reading and math 25%Red lettered schools - indicate substantial improvements needed in subject area (Math 6.3%, Read 6.3%)Blue lettered schools - indicate moderate improvements needed in subject area (Math 31.3%, Read 18.8%)Yellow highlighted schools - indicate improvements needed in both reading and math (18.8%)
Total Schools: 37 % schools top in Math: 29.7% Reading: 40.5% Green lettered schools - excel in both reading and math 27%Red lettered schools - indicate substantial improvements needed in subject area (Math 37.8%, Read 29.7%)Blue lettered schools - indicate moderate improvements needed in subject area (Math 16.2%, Read 27.0%)Yellow highlighted schools - indicate improvements needed in both reading and math (35.1%)
Total Schools: 18 % schools top in Math: 27.8% Reading: 56.25% Green lettered schools - excel in both reading and math 27.8%Red lettered schools - indicate substantial improvements needed in subject area (Math 22.2%, Read 5.6%)Blue lettered schools - indicate moderate improvements needed in subject area (Math 27.8%, Read27.8%)Yellow highlighted schools - indicate improvements needed in both reading and math (22.2%)
Total Schools: 24 % schools top in Math: 33.3% Reading: 58.3% Green lettered schools - excel in both reading and math 29.2%Red lettered schools - indicate substantial improvements needed in subject area (Math 20.8%, Read 25%)Blue lettered schools - indicate moderate improvements needed in subject area (Math 25%, Read 4.2%)Yellow highlighted schools - indicate improvements needed in both reading and math (29.2%)
Total Schools: 6 % schools top in Math: 16.7% Reading: 66.7% Green lettered schools - excel in both reading and math 16.7%Red lettered schools - indicate substantial improvements needed in subject areaBlue lettered schools - indicate moderate improvements needed in subject area (Math 33.3%, Read 33.3%)Yellow highlighted schools - indicate improvements needed in both reading and math (16.7%)
Total Schools: 4 % schools top in Math: 50% Reading:50% Green lettered schools - excel in both reading and math 50%Red lettered schools - indicate substantial improvements needed in subject areaBlue lettered schools - indicate moderate improvements needed in subject area (Math 25%, Read 50%))Yellow highlighted schools - indicate improvements needed in both reading and math (25%)
Total Schools: 11 % schools top in Math: 63.6% Reading: 72.7% Green lettered schools - excel in both reading and math 63.6%Red lettered schools - indicate substantial improvements needed in subject area (Math 9.1%)Blue lettered schools - indicate moderate improvements needed in subject areaYellow highlighted schools - indicate improvements needed in both reading and math
Total Schools: 7 % schools top in Math: 71.4% Reading: 71.4% Green lettered schools - excel in both reading and math 42.9%Red lettered schools - indicate substantial improvements needed in subject area (Math 14.3%)Blue lettered schools - indicate moderate improvements needed in subject area (Read 14.3%)Yellow highlighted schools - indicate improvements needed in both reading and math
Total Schools: 11 % schools top in Math: 0% Reading: 54.5% Green lettered schools - excel in both reading and math 0%Red lettered schools - indicate substantial improvements needed in subject area (Math 36.4%, Read 9.1%)Blue lettered schools - indicate moderate improvements needed in subject area (Math 27.3%)Yellow highlighted schools - indicate improvements needed in both reading and math (9.1%)