This petition is for the addition of a specific
academic class in the course of study of math for the parent or
guardian's child named (print full name) _________________________ that is
attending _________th grade at _____________________Middle School. I am
requesting that the following 100% conforming textbook be used as the primary
instructional resource and that the course be taught at the middle school my
child will be attending (check your child's grade level):
______6th grade .....Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Division, Mathematics: Applications and
Connections, Course 1, Texas Edition.
______7th grade......Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Division, Mathematics: Glencoe
Pre-Algebra: An Integrated Transition to Algebra and Geometry, Texas Edition,
7th grade.
______8th grade.....Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Division, Mathematics: Glencoe
Pre-Algebra: An Integrated Transition to Algebra and Geometry, Texas Edition,
8th grade.
Your Printed name _______________________________________
Printed City, State, Zip _______________________________________
Phone _______________________________________
e-mail (join our mailing list)
_______________________________________ Date
I would agree to purchase the required textbook, if necessary (approx. cost
about $40) so there will be no economic impact to the district. (If there
is no economic impact to the district, the district may be more inclined to
offer the choice.)
Please mail your signed petition to
Plano Parental Rights Council
P.O. Box 250416 Plano,
TX 75025-0416
These petitions will be tabulated by school and grade level and presented to the
Plano Independent School District for the addition of the requested class/es.
Enough students at each school and grade level will need to request this
alternative for it to be considered economically feasible. If
you do not have a child in middle school or still wants Connected Math for your
child but supports a parent's right to choose, please indicate by signing below. PETITION
Sign here if you are a PISD taxpayer, do not have a child in middle school
AND YOU SUPPORT CHOICE (please fill in name/address info above).
___I stand for the rights of parents to have a choice and the and
fundamental right to direct education of their children.
Signature _______________________________________ Date
For more information call: Ronni Jenkins
972-423-3092, Timothy Soh972-491-7859 or Sue
Sarhady 972-491-0203.